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Friday, August 9, 2013

Primary, Interview Requests, Community Articles & More!

I have a few more things to cover in terms of questions.

The OFFICIAL Averate Group can be found here!

- Interview Requests:
People have asked me: "What does it take to be interviewed?"
To be interviewed, you must qualify under one of these three categories:
- Have a place that we like or that has more than 30,000 visits,
- Have a group that the authors & editors like, or have more than 1000 members in the group,
- Qualify in some applicable matter of "Quality" leadership, construction, selling, etc. Whatever your profession is.

Request an interview by clicking here and sending a request!

- Community Articles
People have also asked me: "Can we submit editorials or community articles?"
Yes, submit them via email. If email isn't an option, click here, and tell us that in the PM.
Community Articles must be:
- Grammatically correct.
- Well written.
- Either an editorial or review.

- Place Review Requests
Another consistent question:
We will check out ANY and ALL PLACES, but to be featured on the blog you must have:
- 10,000+ visits on the place,
- A game of decent quality
- We aren't looking for a Free Model Hub. If you use one, that's fine. Use twenty, and you're wasting our time.
Request a place by clicking here and sending a request!

- Join the ROBLOX group!
Up to the minute updates on our Twitter and on ROBLOX!

- Any Other Major Questions?
Any other questions may be PMed to Darwin12 or Averate.

Thanks again!


Hey! If you're posting a comment, please follow the rules of ROBLOX, no personal attacks, no hate speech, opinions are welcome, as long as they are valid with good and bad things; but please don't be an all-around rude person.