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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

xcalibur & The Digital Sea: Where Beauty and Art Clash

XCalibur, otherwise known as "Phearo", the creator of an ambitious sci-fi map named "The Digital Sea", is an interesting person, builder and creative mind. Today, we look at "The Digital Sea", as well as it's numerous great points of exclusive design, and abstract game positions.

The game is dynamic and original in the fact that you spawn in a broken-tile room with no exit. Only windows of the ensuing surroundings of the map. I found this interesting and highly clever; as it gave a lot of detail to see, as well as a great way to keep all the players of the game in one location. If I could state what this room is: I would say it is a futuristic room that aged a bit. The game? Clearly a scenic game: something worth showing off, but other than that, there is no obvious storyline to what is going on.

Set aside being an excellent artist, an inspired person from the game "Deus Ex", and a DeviantArt photo, he is an excellent designer on ROBLOX.

I had the chance to sit down and talk with Xcalibur about the game.
"The dynamic lights update when it first released really made me think "This would look amazing with neon lights." "Certainly it does, the game also demonstrates an excellent use of dynamic lighting in the various aspects of the game."
"Yup, high contrast places really pop out with the new update."

Xcalibur has been playing since March 2008, Pi Day, to be exact. He is a part of numerous sci-fi projects besides his finished work demonstrated in this blog.

"Well, right now, I've been attempting to create a place that's bigger and more explorable than The Digital Sea. Something with a mix of both fantasy and modern architecture, though still having that sense of surrealness. But, everything is still just on paper, so the idea may do a complete 180 in the long run."

We look forward to seeing what he has next to come after this creative endeavor called: "The Digital Sea."

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